Office news
Today, the exhibition “The Price of the Silence of the World” was opened at the Stained Glass Gallery of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania – Seimas which is dedicated to the memory of the children killed in Ukraine. The Lithuanian Pediatric Society, Vilnius Pediatric Society, and the...
Read more19 high evaluations for LEADELL team in Baltics at the latest edition of Legal 500 | LEADELL International Recognitions
26.04.2023 LEADELLThe leading international publication “Legal 500” has recognized LEADELL law firms for 19 times in their latest rankings. According to the feedback given by our clients, LEADELL attorneys at law in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia have been recommended as experienced and excellent experts in the following practice areas: – Banking,...
Read moreThe biggest AML event of the year for business took place today! The Baltic AML Forum 2021 in Vilnius invited to discuss topical issues and tools of money laundering risk management and prevention. The conference was focused on the latest legal, technological and practical measures on the prevention of...
Read moreToday, 7 of October 2021, Managing Partner Marius Grajauskas took part in the webinar of the annual conference “Gazelė 2021” on the development of small and medium businesses, organized by the “Verslo žinios”. Marius made presentation on the rapid growth of company and related legal risks.
Read moreWe are sincerely grateful and appreciative to our clients and team for being together all these years and looking forward to our continues growth and success. On 25.08.2016 three Baltic Law Offices, today LEADELL Pilv in Estonia, LEADELL Vitols in Latvia and LEADELL Balčiūnas & Grajauskas in Lithuania founded...
Read moreLaw firm LEADELL Balčiūnas & Grajauskas is highly recognised by international law guides in 2021
12.04.2021 LEADELLThe law firm LEADELL Balciunas & Grajauskas has been recognized among the leading experts in the fields of dispute resolution, banking and finance, intellectual property, real estate and construction, M&A and tax. Thank you to our Clients for their high evaluation of our experience and knowledge as well as...
Read moreThe team of LEADELL Balčiūnas & Grajauskas participated in the development of the new Verslo žinios service for the market – “VŽ contracts”. Contract Guide is a digital contract management platform that will allow you quickly prepare a contract for different business needs. In the next few months, the...
Read moreRadio program of the „Žinių radijas“ – Who is more important on the highway of auctions: buyer or seller?
25.11.2020 LEADELLMarius Grajauskas, Managing Partner of the law firm LEADELL Balčiūnas and Grajauskas, took part in the radio program of the „Žinių radijas“ – “Open discussion” where he talked about the pandemic’s impact on auction processes, trends and practical advices for debtors and auction participants. See the discussion recording here.
Read moreLEADELL law offices are once again highly ranked in Chambers Europe and Legal 500
28.05.2018 LEADELLLegal 500 and Chambers & Partners issued their annual rankings of law firms. LEADELL law offices once again have been recognized as one of the top firms in Baltic States. We are very proud to have been ranked in ten practice areas in both the prestigious Legal 500 and...
Read moreExactly one year ago three Baltic law firms – Aivar Pilv Law Office in Estonia, Fogels Vītols & Paipa in Latvia, and Balčiūnas & Grajauskas in Lithuania – announced the formation of the new Pan-Baltic alliance LEADELL. Today we are pleased to conclude that the first year under the...
Read moreOn the 14 of June, 2017 LEADELL Balčiūnas & Grajauskas together with daily newspaper Lietuvos Žinios (Lithuanian news) have organized a conference “Dialogue of Business and Government: the way of communication” Conference speakers: Mindaugas Sinkevičius, the Minister of Economy; Pär Nuder, former Swedish member of parliament, former Swedish Minister...
Read moreConference “Business development in Germany: legal and fiscal environment and practical aspects”
23.02.2017 LEADELLOn the 23 of February, 2017 LEADELL Balčiūnas & Grajauskas together with daily newspaper Verslo Žinios and UAB “Grant Thornton Baltic” have organized a conference “Business development in Germany: legal and fiscal environment and practical aspects”. The main topics: The preparatory work is important – what and how...
Read moreA Leader of Practice Group, Senior Associate Kazimieras Karpickis participated in the News Radio broadcast
23.11.2016 LEADELLA Leader of Practice Group, Senior Associate Kazimieras Karpickis participated in the News radio broadcast – E-auctions: how not to get lost in the jungle of technologies and don’t buy a cat in the bag? Radio broadcast in Lithuanian language can be found here.
Read moreSuccessfully represented the client’s interests by protecting its trademark “World Lithuanian Economic Forum”
04.11.2016 LEADELLLEADELL Balciunas & Grajauskas successfully solved a dispute by representing and providing legal consultations to the client Lihuanian Business Confederatation, concerning a trademark similarity between the “World Lithuanian Economic Forum” event which the client was organising, and “World Economic Forum”.
Read moreWe are excited and proud to announce that Balčiūnas & Grajauskas team won the table quiz held by the Association of Young Lithuanian Attorneys.
Read moreOn the 17th of May, 2016 attorney-at-law Marius Grajauskas received the Honorary Award of the Lithuanian Business Confederation for Active and constructive work with LBC measures and effective leadership of the committee of commercial law and practice.
Read moreJournal „International Comparative Legal Guide: Real Estate 2015″ recently published Lithuania Real Estate Law Review prepared by the law firm Balčiūnas & Grajauskas.
Read moreAttorney-at-law Marius Grajauskas became a member of the RICS organization.
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